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List of our cookies

Essential cookies

These cookies are vital to us providing key features of our website, such as the ability to use online tools, log on securely and save your favourite articles.

__RequestVerificationToken Anti forgery token cookie (prevent CSRF attack). It guarantees that the poster is the one who gets the form.
It prevents from anybody to forge a link and have it activated by a powered user.
XSRF-TOKEN Session cookie
This cookie is written to help with site security in preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.
Session end
XSRF-V Session cookie
This cookie is written to help with site security in preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.
Session end
cookieconsent_status Third part cookie controlling the cookie consent prompt. If prompt dismised the cookie does not expire Does not expire

Functionality and performance cookies

These cookies give you extra functionality, such as being able to ask us to remember your preferences. They also let us monitor how our website is performing so we can make regular improvements.

Name Description Expiration
__utma Google Analytics cookie used to track each unique visitor to our website. As soon as you access our website, the __utma cookie will associate a unique Client ID. This means that every time you come back to our website through the same browser, Google Analytics cookies will know it  2 years
__utmz Google Analytics cookie that gives you insights into each traffic source. This means that it tracks where each of your visitors are coming from.  6 months
_ga Google Analytics cookie that is used to indeity unique users and expires after 2 days 2 years
  _gid Google Analytics cookie used to store Session ID and to group the entire session’s activity together for each user  24 hours
_gat Google Analytics cookie that is used to trottle the request rate and expires after 1 minute 10 min
UMB_UCONTEXT This is an Umbraco specific cookie. Stores a Guid reference to the current logged in backend user. Randomly generated at login and stored in the database, it allows you access the current user, without having to store any user specific data in the cookie.  1 day
cookieconsent_status Used to keep information about whether you accepted cookie policy 1 year
Exploriadsa.Search Used to keep information about your tour search results on our wesbite. So you could go back to the results without doing the search again.  
Exploriada.Booking Used to keep information about your current booking on our website. Essential to book a tour  
Exploriada.NewsletterModal Used to control whether a newsletter popup has been dismissed on the machine or not. 1 month or does not expire


Tailored content cookies

These cookies allow us to display content relevant to you and your interests, based on the way you have used our website previously.

Exploriada Keeps essential information about the preferences and settings you selected on our website, eg. preferred currency, language et. So you don't need to select them again you next visit us 1 year
Exploriada.Itinerary Keeps track of last products visited on our website. So you could get the track of your journey through our products  


Last updated: Thursday, 01 February 2024